JustRight Surgical develops and produces precisely designed surgical instruments that allow access to confined structures found in pediatric and other surgical procedures.

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Before JustRight’s instruments were available, surgeons were forced to use surgical tools that were much too large for some of their surgeries. A smaller surgical tool works better in smaller spaces and even when a bigger instrument can work well, the smaller incisions and access required by JustRight’s products accelerate the patient's recovery process.


Today, JustRight Surgical devices are the gold standard for pediatric surgery. The JustRight™ 5mm Stapler and 3mm JustRight™ Sealer – the ONLY sealing instrument on the market that has received FDA clearance for use in pediatric patients – make JustRight Surgical devices a pediatric surgeon’s first choice for laparoscopic procedures. Measuring in at 4 to 9 times smaller than any existing devices, JustRight Surgical devices improve procedural approaches, minimize incisions, and prove that one size does not fit all.

Investment Status

Crescendo Capital Partners is provided equity in December, 2015 to support the product ramp as the products are introduced to surgeons in North America and Europe. JustRight Surgical is headquartered in Louisville, CO.